Travel to Oxford

Please view a Google Map and travel information for the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

Pay and display car parks are located near to the hospital. A free permit is available for parents or guardians with a child in NICU. Once you have a permit you are permitted to park in the staff car parks (see map).

The hospital is on a regular bus route, with buses running between the hospital and town centre. Timetables can be found in the main reception area on level 2.

The postcode of the hospital for sat-nav users is OX3 9DU.

Our NICU is located on level 2 of the main John Radcliffe Hospital, in the women's centre.

  • NICU number: 01865 220408.

The NICU is locked at all times. Please buzz at the door to be let in. Please be patient if we do not answer immediately as staff may be busy with an emergency.

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