Clinical transport guidelines
These clinical guidelines represent the views of the Southampton Oxford Neonatal Transport team. They have been produced after careful consideration of available evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and experience. These clinical guidelines relate to use in SONeT neonatal transport.
The guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient.
Clinical advice is always available from SONeT on a case by case basis. Please feel free to contact us regarding these documents if there are any queries.
Resuscitation and stabilisation
Resuscitation guidance
Developmental care during transport
Re-intubation in transit
Death during transfer
Inhaled nitric oxide
Duct dependent congenital heart disease
Tachyarrhythmia with pulse
Cardiac arrest
Surgical babies
Replogle tube insertion
Clinical pathways Thames Valley and Wessex
Transfers for end of life care
Referral to Quaternary Services
Neonatal transfers infection control
Clinical pathways Thames Valley
Term bilious vomiting guideline (OUH)
Neonatal helipad transfer at OUH
Cardiac referral and repatriation pathway
Clinical pathways Wessex
Exclusion of malrotation pathway (UHS)
Neonatal Immediate Laparotomy (NIL) Pathway (UHS)